Nikon Tip/Trick #4 - Save Time
10 Seconds can be a long time and a lot of shots.
So change your self timer in the camera from 10 seconds to 2 seconds.

This will help if shooting in bracketing mode and also if shooting on a tripod as 2 seconds is sufficient.
2 seconds is a long time when shooting and you can judge this in elephants!
If you say to yourself "one elephants, two elephants" then that's about 2 seconds.
So resetting the camera self timer will reduce the waiting time between shots
To make the change…
Menu (Button on back of the camera)
Custom Settings Menu (pencil)
MenuTimers/AE Lock (scroll to select this option, and press OK button)
Change “Self-Timer” to 2 or 5 Seconds (press OK button)
Menu x2 (To exit click the Menu button on back of the camera twice)
Another helpful reminder - thanks Ian!