How good is the Dreamstime platform for selling your images.
Sale of stock images was a big earner for some photographers in the past but those days are gone and now it is a slow revenue stream but can still be a worthwhile outlet.
So how does it work and is it worth using Dreamstime ?
First visit the Dreamstime site and set up an account
Once you have an account setup you are able to upload images for sale however there are a few rules you need to follow
They must be your images (your copyright)
They should not include any aspects that are image rights protected without an attached rights release certificate (ie Eiffel Tower illuminated at night)
They should not include identifiable people without an attached images rights release form ( available on the site)
They should not include copyrighted branding
Avoid personal identifiable items ie car number plates
This all sounds difficult but its quite easy when you get into the swing of it and some aspects may require a little editing on your image
Some other aspects that need you need to be aware of
They want sharp images
They want hi resolution images
You will need to complete a US tax form ( not difficult takes 10 mins to do)
You will not get paid until you have earned $100
Easiest way to be paid is into a paypal account
You can upload an image as a editorial image and this is classed as an image of public interest so this may be a tennis player in a tournament or a golfer or a news event or a celebrity. For these you will not need a model release form.
You are earning and so may need to declare this in you local tax system
So with all these aspects in play is it worth it?
The answer is yes it is from my experience
The upload process is easy
Feedback is clear
Platform works well and is not buggy
Lots of advice and help
Payment is easy and is prompt
Your account is easy to manage
Once an image is on line the work is done and it just keeps earning
Forms are all readily available and easy to use
I have sold images for $400 and images for $0.50
Some images will sell 100x or more
some will not sell - thats the way it is some times
Its a good way to use your images - and may bring in enough to buy you a new lens?
In summary would i recommend Dreamstime as a stock image outlet and the answer is yes. Its a good platform a good company and a good earner.
Take a look at the article for beginners